Operation "Cast Lead" Major Dr. Alexander Kataev
On January 5, 2009, during the "Cast Lead" operation, the "Gideon" battalion of the Golani Brigade operated in the Tupah neighborhood in the northern Gaza Strip. During the activity, a shell was accidentally fired from an IDF tank that was operating in the area, and hit a building where fighters from the battalion were staying. This shell injured many soldiers and commanders, including the brigade commander and the battalion commander. Immediately after the hit, the battalion medical department was called to the scene, which was staying near the building and with Major Dr. Alexander Kataev, who was appointed with the start of the operation as an additional doctor in the "Gideon" battalion. Major Kataev took responsibility for what was happening, commanded the medical force and performed life-saving operations on many of the injured - all under fire. Also, Major Katayev was responsible for the evacuation and treatment of a mortally wounded person from the incident, thereby saving his life. At the end of the evacuation, Major Katayev returned to the medical department and continued in his position until the end of the operation. Major Dr. Alexander Kataev demonstrated in his actions initiative and determination to save lives and showed leadership ability under fire, and for that he was awarded the rank of Commander-in-Chief in December 2009, by Major-General Yoav Galant, Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Command.